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documents:external:our-american-government-2003 [2019/11/15 19:37] – [3. What is the role of the citizen in our Government?] Oliver Wolcottdocuments:external:our-american-government-2003 [2021/02/23 16:14] (current) – external edit
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 |  108TH CONGRESS  |  |  |  H. DOC.  || |  108TH CONGRESS  |  |  |  H. DOC.  ||
 |  //1st Session//  |||  10894  || |  //1st Session//  |||  10894  ||
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-==== 15.What qualifications are prescribed for a Member of Congress ====+==== 15. What qualifications are prescribed for a Member of Congress ====
 The Constitution (Article 1, Section 2 for the House and Section 3 for the Senate) prescribes qualifications for Members of Congress. The Constitution (Article 1, Section 2 for the House and Section 3 for the Senate) prescribes qualifications for Members of Congress.
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 ==== 21. What is a Delegate or Resident Commissioner, as distinguished from a Representative? ==== ==== 21. What is a Delegate or Resident Commissioner, as distinguished from a Representative? ====
-The office of Delegate was established by ordinance from the Continental Congress (177489) and confirmed by a law of Congress. From the beginning of the Republic, accordingly, the House of Representatives has admitted Delegates from Territories or districts organized by law. Delegates and Resident Commissioners may participate in House debate but they are not permitted to vote on the floor. All serve on committees of the House and possess powers and privileges equal to other Members in committee, including the right to vote in committee. Currently, there are four Delegates in the House and one Resident Commissioner.+The office of Delegate was established by ordinance from the Continental Congress (1774-89) and confirmed by a law of Congress. From the beginning of the Republic, accordingly, the House of Representatives has admitted Delegates from Territories or districts organized by law. Delegates and Resident Commissioners may participate in House debate but they are not permitted to vote on the floor. All serve on committees of the House and possess powers and privileges equal to other Members in committee, including the right to vote in committee. Currently, there are four Delegates in the House and one Resident Commissioner.
 ==== 22. What oath of office is required for Members of Congress, and when is it administered? ==== ==== 22. What oath of office is required for Members of Congress, and when is it administered? ====
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 The Constitution gives to Congress the authority to declare war; this has occurred on only five occasions since 1789, the most recent being World War II. But the President, as Commander in Chief, has implied powers to commit the Nation's military forces, which has occurred on more than 200 occasions in U.S. history. Moreover, Congress may authorize the use of the military in specific cases through public law. The Constitution gives to Congress the authority to declare war; this has occurred on only five occasions since 1789, the most recent being World War II. But the President, as Commander in Chief, has implied powers to commit the Nation's military forces, which has occurred on more than 200 occasions in U.S. history. Moreover, Congress may authorize the use of the military in specific cases through public law.
-The War Powers Resolution, enacted on November 7, 1973, as Public Law 93148, also tried to clarify these respective roles of the President and Congress in cases involving the use of armed forces without a declaration of war. The President is expected to consult with Congress before using the armed forces %%''%%in every possible instance,%%''%% and is required to report to Congress within 48 hours of introducing troops. Use of the armed forces is to be terminated within 60 days, with a possible 30day extension by the President, unless Congress acts during that time to declare war, enacts a specific authorization for use of the armed forces, extends the 6090 day period, or is physically unable to meet as a result of an attack on the United States.+The War Powers Resolution, enacted on November 7, 1973, as Public Law 93148, also tried to clarify these respective roles of the President and Congress in cases involving the use of armed forces without a declaration of war. The President is expected to consult with Congress before using the armed forces %%''%%in every possible instance,%%''%% and is required to report to Congress within 48 hours of introducing troops. Use of the armed forces is to be terminated within 60 days, with a possible 30day extension by the President, unless Congress acts during that time to declare war, enacts a specific authorization for use of the armed forces, extends the 60-90 day period, or is physically unable to meet as a result of an attack on the United States.
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 |James E. Carter ....................................................................................|  13|  18|  31|  2|||| |James E. Carter ....................................................................................|  13|  18|  31|  2||||
 |Ronald W. Reagan ................................................................................|  39|  39|  78|  9|||| |Ronald W. Reagan ................................................................................|  39|  39|  78|  9||||
-|George H.W. Bush .................................................................................|  29|  ((President Bush asserted that two bills were not enacted into law under the pocket veto provisions of the Constitution because Congress was in recess. Congress, however, maintained that these were not vetoes because they required action within 10 days of receipt by the President; both ultimately were considered to be law. A third bill was asserted by President Bush to be pocket-vetoed during a congressional recess, but he returned a veto message to the originating House and it was treated as a regular veto. For further explanation, See U.S. Congress, Office of the Secretary of the Senate, Presidential Vetoes, 19891996, S. Pub. 10522 (Washington: GPO, September 1997), pp. 6, 12.)) 15|  44|  1||||+|George H.W. Bush .................................................................................|  29|  ((President Bush asserted that two bills were not enacted into law under the pocket veto provisions of the Constitution because Congress was in recess. Congress, however, maintained that these were not vetoes because they required action within 10 days of receipt by the President; both ultimately were considered to be law. A third bill was asserted by President Bush to be pocket-vetoed during a congressional recess, but he returned a veto message to the originating House and it was treated as a regular veto. For further explanation, See U.S. Congress, Office of the Secretary of the Senate, Presidential Vetoes, 1989-1996, S. Pub. 10522 (Washington: GPO, September 1997), pp. 6, 12.)) 15|  44|  1||||
 |William J. Clinton  .................................................................................|  36|  1|  37|  2|||| |William J. Clinton  .................................................................................|  36|  1|  37|  2||||
 |George W. Bush ....................................................................................|  0|  0|  0|  0|||| |George W. Bush ....................................................................................|  0|  0|  0|  0||||
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 ==== 159. What is the Federal Citizen Information Center Program? ==== ==== 159. What is the Federal Citizen Information Center Program? ====
-Established in 1966 and managed by the Administrator of the General Services Administration, the Federal Information Center (FIC) is a single point of contact for people who have questions about Federal agencies, programs, and services. The FCIC currently responds to about 2 million calls per year via its nationwide, tollfree number: 8003344636. The Center is open for public inquiries from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM ET each workday, except Federal holidays. Among the most frequent public inquiries are those having to do with workplace safety issues, State government matters, immigration and naturalization, Federal taxes, Federal employment, Government publications, disaster assistance, and consumer matters. A FIC Web site may be found at [[|<>.]]+Established in 1966 and managed by the Administrator of the General Services Administration, the Federal Information Center (FIC) is a single point of contact for people who have questions about Federal agencies, programs, and services. The FCIC currently responds to about 2 million calls per year via its nationwide, tollfree number: 800-334-4636. The Center is open for public inquiries from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM ET each workday, except Federal holidays. Among the most frequent public inquiries are those having to do with workplace safety issues, State government matters, immigration and naturalization, Federal taxes, Federal employment, Government publications, disaster assistance, and consumer matters. A FIC Web site may be found at [[|<>.]]
 ==== 160. What special information resources may be found at the Library of Congress? ==== ==== 160. What special information resources may be found at the Library of Congress? ====
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 Bibby, John F. //Politics, Parties, and Elections in America.// Chicago, Nelson-Hall, 1999 (4th ed.). Bibby, John F. //Politics, Parties, and Elections in America.// Chicago, Nelson-Hall, 1999 (4th ed.).
-//Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 17741996://+//Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-1996://
 Congressional Quarterly, Washington, DC, 1997. Congressional Quarterly, Washington, DC, 1997.
-Byrd, Robert C. //The Senate, 17891989.// Washington, DC, U.S.+Byrd, Robert C. //The Senate, 1789-1989.// Washington, DC, U.S.
-Govt. Print. Off., 19881991. 2 vols.+Govt. Print. Off., 1988-1991. 2 vols.
 Chandler, Ralph Clark (ed.). //A Centennial History of the American Administrative State. //New York, The Free Press, 1987. Chandler, Ralph Clark (ed.). //A Centennial History of the American Administrative State. //New York, The Free Press, 1987.
Line 1479: Line 1480:
 //The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation: Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to July 2, 1992. //Prepared by the Congressional// //Research Service, Library of Congress. Washington, DC, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1996 (Senate Document 1036, 103rd Congress, 1st Sess.). //The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation: Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to July 2, 1992. //Prepared by the Congressional// //Research Service, Library of Congress. Washington, DC, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1996 (Senate Document 1036, 103rd Congress, 1st Sess.).
-Corwin, Edward S. //The President: Office and Powers, 17871984.//+Corwin, Edward S. //The President: Office and Powers, 1787-1984.//
 New York, New York University Press, 1984 (5th rev. ed.). New York, New York University Press, 1984 (5th rev. ed.).
Line 1503: Line 1504:
 Farrand, Max. //The Framing of the Constitution of the United// //States. //New Haven, CT, Yale University Press, 1913. Farrand, Max. //The Framing of the Constitution of the United// //States. //New Haven, CT, Yale University Press, 1913.
-//The Federalist. //[178788] by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. Edited by Benjamin Fletcher Wright. Cambridge, MA, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1961.+//The Federalist. //[1787-88] by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. Edited by Benjamin Fletcher Wright. Cambridge, MA, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1961.
 Fesler, James W. and Donald F. Kettl. //The Politics of the Administrative Process. //Chatham, NJ, Chatham House, 1996 (2nd ed.). Fesler, James W. and Donald F. Kettl. //The Politics of the Administrative Process. //Chatham, NJ, Chatham House, 1996 (2nd ed.).
Line 1513: Line 1514:
 Hofstadter, Richard. //The American Political Tradition and the// //Men Who Made It. //Foreword by Christopher Lasch. New York, Vintage Books, 1974 [cl948]. Hofstadter, Richard. //The American Political Tradition and the// //Men Who Made It. //Foreword by Christopher Lasch. New York, Vintage Books, 1974 [cl948].
-Hutson, James H. //To Make All Laws: The Congress of the United// //States, 17891989. //Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1990.+Hutson, James H. //To Make All Laws: The Congress of the United// //States, 1789-1989. //Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1990.
 Jones, Charles O. //Separate But Equal Branches: Congress and// //the Presidency. //New York, Chatham House, 1999 (2nd ed.). Jones, Charles O. //Separate But Equal Branches: Congress and// //the Presidency. //New York, Chatham House, 1999 (2nd ed.).
Line 1521: Line 1522:
 Kurian, George Thomas (ed.). //A Historical Guide to the U.S. Government. //New York, Oxford University Press, 1998. Kurian, George Thomas (ed.). //A Historical Guide to the U.S. Government. //New York, Oxford University Press, 1998.
-Light, Paul C. //The Tides of Reform: Making Government Work,// //19451995. //New Haven, CT, Yale University Press, 1997.+Light, Paul C. //The Tides of Reform: Making Government Work,// //1945-1995. //New Haven, CT, Yale University Press, 1997.
 Lowi, Theodore. //The End of Liberalism: The Second Republic of// //the United States. //New York, Norton, 1979 (2nd ed.). Lowi, Theodore. //The End of Liberalism: The Second Republic of// //the United States. //New York, Norton, 1979 (2nd ed.).
Line 1541: Line 1542:
 Waldo, Dwight. //The Administrative State.// New York, Holmes and Meier, 1984 (rev. ed.). Waldo, Dwight. //The Administrative State.// New York, Holmes and Meier, 1984 (rev. ed.).
-White, Leonard D. [Four studies in administrative history] //The// //Federalists. The Jacksonians. The Jeffersonians. //and// The Republican Era, 18691901. //New York, Macmillan, 1948, 1951, 1951, and// //1958, respectively.+White, Leonard D. [Four studies in administrative history] //The// //Federalists. The Jacksonians. The Jeffersonians. //and// The Republican Era, 1869-1901. //New York, Macmillan, 1948, 1951, 1951, and// //1958, respectively.
 Wilson, Woodrow. //Congressional Government.// Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1885. Wilson, Woodrow. //Congressional Government.// Boston, Houghton, Mifflin, 1885.
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 |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||
 |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||
-|  34th ............  |  18551857   62|  42|  15|  5|  ........|  234|  83|  108|  43|  ........|| +|  34th ............  |  1855-1857   62|  42|  15|  5|  ........|  234|  83|  108|  43|  ........|| 
-|  35th ............  |  18571859   64|  39|  20|  5|  ........|  237|  131|  92|  14|  ........|| +|  35th ............  |  1857-1859   64|  39|  20|  5|  ........|  237|  131|  92|  14|  ........|| 
-|  36th ............  |  18591861   66|  38|  26|  2|  ........|  237|  101|  113|  23|  ........|| +|  36th ............  |  1859-1861   66|  38|  26|  2|  ........|  237|  101|  113|  23|  ........|| 
-|  37th ............  |  18611863   50|  11|  31|  7|  1|  178|  42|  106|  28|  2|| +|  37th ............  |  1861-1863   50|  11|  31|  7|  1|  178|  42|  106|  28|  2|| 
-|  38th ............  |  18631865   51|  12|  39|  ........|  ........|  183|  80|  103|  ........|  ........|| +|  38th ............  |  1863-1865   51|  12|  39|  ........|  ........|  183|  80|  103|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  39th ............  |  18651867   52|  10|  42|  ........|  ........|  191|  46|  145|  ........|  ........|| +|  39th ............  |  1865-1867   52|  10|  42|  ........|  ........|  191|  46|  145|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  40th ............  |  18671869   53|  11|  42|  ........|  ........|  193|  49|  143|  ........|  1|| +|  40th ............  |  1867-1869   53|  11|  42|  ........|  ........|  193|  49|  143|  ........|  1|| 
-|  41st ............  |  18691871   74|  11|  61|  ........|  2|  243|  73|  170|  ........|  ........|| +|  41st ............  |  1869-1871   74|  11|  61|  ........|  2|  243|  73|  170|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  42d .............  |  18711873   74|  17|  57|  ........|  ........|  243|  104|  139|  ........|  ........|| +|  42d .............  |  1871-1873   74|  17|  57|  ........|  ........|  243|  104|  139|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  43d .............  |  18731875   74|  19|  54|  ........|  1|  293|  88|  203|  ........|  2|| +|  43d .............  |  1873-1875   74|  19|  54|  ........|  1|  293|  88|  203|  ........|  2|| 
-|  44th ............  |  18751877   76|  29|  46|  ........|  1|  293|  181|  107|  3|  2|| +|  44th ............  |  1875-1877   76|  29|  46|  ........|  1|  293|  181|  107|  3|  2|| 
-|  45th ............  |  18771879   76|  36|  39|  1|  ........|  293|  156|  137|  ........|  ........|| +|  45th ............  |  1877-1879   76|  36|  39|  1|  ........|  293|  156|  137|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  46th ............  |  18791881   76|  43|  33|  ........|  ........|  293|  150|  128|  14|  1|| +|  46th ............  |  1879-1881   76|  43|  33|  ........|  ........|  293|  150|  128|  14|  1|| 
-|  47th ............  |  18811883   76|  37|  37|  2|  ........|  293|  130|  152|  11|  ........|| +|  47th ............  |  1881-1883   76|  37|  37|  2|  ........|  293|  130|  152|  11|  ........|| 
-|  48th ............  |  18831885   76|  36|  40|  ........|  ........|  325|  200|  119|  6|  ........|| +|  48th ............  |  1883-1885   76|  36|  40|  ........|  ........|  325|  200|  119|  6|  ........|| 
-|  49th ............  |  18851887   76|  34|  41|  ........|  1|  325|  182|  140|  2|  1|| +|  49th ............  |  1885-1887   76|  34|  41|  ........|  1|  325|  182|  140|  2|  1|| 
-|  50th ............  |  18871889   76|  37|  39|  ........|  ........|  325|  170|  151|  4|  ........|| +|  50th ............  |  1887-1889   76|  37|  39|  ........|  ........|  325|  170|  151|  4|  ........|| 
-|  51st ............  |  18891891   84|  37|  47|  ........|  ........|  330|  156|  173|  1|  ........|| +|  51st ............  |  1889-1891   84|  37|  47|  ........|  ........|  330|  156|  173|  1|  ........|| 
-|  52d .............  |  18911893   88|  39|  47|  2|  ........|  333|  231|  88|  14|  ........|| +|  52d .............  |  1891-1893   88|  39|  47|  2|  ........|  333|  231|  88|  14|  ........|| 
-|  53d .............  |  18931895   88|  44|  38|  3|  3|  356|  220|  126|  10|  ........|| +|  53d .............  |  1893-1895   88|  44|  38|  3|  3|  356|  220|  126|  10|  ........|| 
-|  54th ............  |  18951897   88|  39|  44|  5|  ........|  357|  104|  246|  7|  ........|| +|  54th ............  |  1895-1897   88|  39|  44|  5|  ........|  357|  104|  246|  7|  ........|| 
-|  55th ............  |  18971899   90|  34|  46|  10|  ........|  357|  134|  206|  16|  1|| +|  55th ............  |  1897-1899   90|  34|  46|  10|  ........|  357|  134|  206|  16|  1|| 
-|  56th ............  |  18991901   90|  26|  53|  11|  ........|  357|  163|  185|  9|  ........|| +|  56th ............  |  1899-1901   90|  26|  53|  11|  ........|  357|  163|  185|  9|  ........|| 
-|  57th ............  |  19011903   90|  29|  56|  3|  2|  357|  153|  198|  5|  1|| +|  57th ............  |  1901-1903   90|  29|  56|  3|  2|  357|  153|  198|  5|  1|| 
-|  58th ............  |  19031905   90|  32|  58|  ........|  ........|  386|  178|  207|  ........|  1|| +|  58th ............  |  1903-1905   90|  32|  58|  ........|  ........|  386|  178|  207|  ........|  1|| 
-|  59th ............  |  19051907   90|  32|  58|  ........|  ........|  386|  136|  250|  ........|  ........|| +|  59th ............  |  1905-1907   90|  32|  58|  ........|  ........|  386|  136|  250|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  60th ............  |  19071909   92|  29|  61|  ........|  2|  386|  164|  222|  ........|  ........|| +|  60th ............  |  1907-1909   92|  29|  61|  ........|  2|  386|  164|  222|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  61st ............  |  19091911   92|  32|  59|  ........|  1|  391|  172|  219|  ........|  ........|| +|  61st ............  |  1909-1911   92|  32|  59|  ........|  1|  391|  172|  219|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  62d .............  |  19111913   92|  42|  49|  ........|  1|  391|  228|  162|  1|  ........|| +|  62d .............  |  1911-1913   92|  42|  49|  ........|  1|  391|  228|  162|  1|  ........|| 
-|  63d .............  |  19131915   96|  51|  44|  1|  ........|  435|  290|  127|  18|  ........|| +|  63d .............  |  1913-1915   96|  51|  44|  1|  ........|  435|  290|  127|  18|  ........|| 
-|  64th ............  |  19151917   96|  56|  39|  1|  ........|  435|  231|  193|  8|  3|| +|  64th ............  |  1915-1917   96|  56|  39|  1|  ........|  435|  231|  193|  8|  3|| 
-|  65th ............  |  19171919   96|  53|  42|  1|  ........|  435|  ((Democrats organized House with help of other parties.)) 210|  216|  9|  ........|| +|  65th ............  |  1917-1919   96|  53|  42|  1|  ........|  435|  ((Democrats organized House with help of other parties.)) 210|  216|  9|  ........|| 
-|  66th ............  |  19191921   96|  47|  48|  1|  ........|  435|  191|  237|  7|  ........|| +|  66th ............  |  1919-1921   96|  47|  48|  1|  ........|  435|  191|  237|  7|  ........|| 
-|  67th ............  |  19211923   96|  37|  59|  ........|  ........|  435|  132|  300|  1|  2|| +|  67th ............  |  1921-1923   96|  37|  59|  ........|  ........|  435|  132|  300|  1|  2|| 
-|  68th ............  |  19231925   96|  43|  51|  2|  ........|  435|  207|  225|  3|  ........|| +|  68th ............  |  1923-1925   96|  43|  51|  2|  ........|  435|  207|  225|  3|  ........|| 
-|  69th ............  |  19251927   96|  40|  54|  1|  1|  435|  183|  247|  5|  ........|| +|  69th ............  |  1925-1927   96|  40|  54|  1|  1|  435|  183|  247|  5|  ........|| 
-|  70th ............  |  19271929   96|  47|  48|  1|  ........|  435|  195|  237|  3|  ........|| +|  70th ............  |  1927-1929   96|  47|  48|  1|  ........|  435|  195|  237|  3|  ........|| 
-|  71st ............  |  19291931   96|  39|  56|  1|  ........|  435|  163|  267|  1|  4|| +|  71st ............  |  1929-1931   96|  39|  56|  1|  ........|  435|  163|  267|  1|  4|| 
-|  72d .............  |  19311933   96|  47|  48|  1|  ........|  435|  ((Democrats organized House because of Republican deaths.)) 216|  218|  1|  ........|| +|  72d .............  |  1931-1933   96|  47|  48|  1|  ........|  435|  ((Democrats organized House because of Republican deaths.)) 216|  218|  1|  ........|| 
-|  73d .............  |  19331935   96|  59|  36|  1|  ........|  435|  313|  117|  5|  ........|| +|  73d .............  |  1933-1935   96|  59|  36|  1|  ........|  435|  313|  117|  5|  ........|| 
-|  74th ............  |  19351937   96|  69|  25|  2|  ........|  435|  322|  103|  10|  ........|| +|  74th ............  |  1935-1937   96|  69|  25|  2|  ........|  435|  322|  103|  10|  ........|| 
-|  75th ............  |  19371939   96|  75|  17|  4|  ........|  435|  333|  89|  13|  ........|| +|  75th ............  |  1937-1939   96|  75|  17|  4|  ........|  435|  333|  89|  13|  ........|| 
-|  76th ............  |  19391941   96|  69|  23|  4|  ........|  435|  262|  169|  4|  ........|| +|  76th ............  |  1939-1941   96|  69|  23|  4|  ........|  435|  262|  169|  4|  ........|| 
-|  77th ............  |  19411943   96|  66|  28|  2|  ........|  435|  267|  162|  6|  ........|| +|  77th ............  |  1941-1943   96|  66|  28|  2|  ........|  435|  267|  162|  6|  ........|| 
-|  78th ............  |  19431945   96|  57|  38|  1|  ........|  435|  222|  209|  4|  ........|| +|  78th ............  |  1943-1945   96|  57|  38|  1|  ........|  435|  222|  209|  4|  ........|| 
-|  79th ............  |  19451947   96|  57|  38|  1|  ........|  435|  243|  190|  2|  ........|| +|  79th ............  |  1945-1947   96|  57|  38|  1|  ........|  435|  243|  190|  2|  ........|| 
-|  80th ............  |  19471949   96|  45|  51|  ........|  ........|  435|  188|  246|  1|  ........|| +|  80th ............  |  1947-1949   96|  45|  51|  ........|  ........|  435|  188|  246|  1|  ........|| 
-|  81st ............  |  19491951   96|  54|  42|  ........|  ........|  435|  263|  171|  1|  ........|| +|  81st ............  |  1949-1951   96|  54|  42|  ........|  ........|  435|  263|  171|  1|  ........|| 
-|  82d .............  |  19511953   96|  48|  47|  1|  ........|  435|  234|  199|  2|  ........|| +|  82d .............  |  1951-1953   96|  48|  47|  1|  ........|  435|  234|  199|  2|  ........|| 
-|  83d .............  |  19531955   96|  46|  48|  2|  ........|  435|  213|  221|  1|  ........|| +|  83d .............  |  1953-1955   96|  46|  48|  2|  ........|  435|  213|  221|  1|  ........|| 
-|  84th ............  |  19551957   96|  48|  47|  1|  ........|  435|  232|  203|  ........|  ........|| +|  84th ............  |  1955-1957   96|  48|  47|  1|  ........|  435|  232|  203|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  85th ............  |  19571959   96|  49|  47|  ........|  ........|  435|  234|  201|  ........|  ........|| +|  85th ............  |  1957-1959   96|  49|  47|  ........|  ........|  435|  234|  201|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  86th ............  |  19591961   98|  64|  34|  ........|  ........|  (( Proclamation declaring Alaska a State issued January 3, 1959.)) 436|  283|  153|  ........|  ........|| +|  86th ............  |  1959-1961   98|  64|  34|  ........|  ........|  (( Proclamation declaring Alaska a State issued January 3, 1959.)) 436|  283|  153|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  87th ............  |  19611963   100|  64|  36|  ........|  ........|  ((Proclamation declaring Hawaii a State issued August 21, 1959.)) 437|  262|  175|  ........|  ........|| +|  87th ............  |  1961-1963   100|  64|  36|  ........|  ........|  ((Proclamation declaring Hawaii a State issued August 21, 1959.)) 437|  262|  175|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  88th ............  |  19631965   100|  67|  33|  ........|  ........|  435|  258|  176|  ........|  1|| +|  88th ............  |  1963-1965   100|  67|  33|  ........|  ........|  435|  258|  176|  ........|  1|| 
-|  89th ............  |  19651967   100|  68|  32|  ........|  ........|  435|  295|  140|  ........|  ........|| +|  89th ............  |  1965-1967   100|  68|  32|  ........|  ........|  435|  295|  140|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  90th ............  |  19671969   100|  64|  36|  ........|  ........|  435|  248|  187|  ........|  ........|| +|  90th ............  |  1967-1969   100|  64|  36|  ........|  ........|  435|  248|  187|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  91st ............  |  19691971   100|  58|  42|  ........|  ........|  435|  243|  192|  ........|  ........|| +|  91st ............  |  1969-1971   100|  58|  42|  ........|  ........|  435|  243|  192|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  92d .............  |  19711973   100|  54|  44|  2|  ........|  435|  255|  180|  ........|  ........||+|  92d .............  |  1971-1973   100|  54|  44|  2|  ........|  435|  255|  180|  ........|  ........||
Line 1733: Line 1734:
 |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||
 |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||
-|  93d .............  |  19731975   100|  56|  42|  2|  ........  |  435|  242|192|  1|  ........|| +|  93d .............  |  1973-1975   100|  56|  42|  2|  ........  |  435|  242|192|  1|  ........|| 
-|  94th ............  |  19751977   100|  60|  37|  2|  ........  |  435|  291|144|  1|  ........|| +|  94th ............  |  1975-1977   100|  60|  37|  2|  ........  |  435|  291|144|  1|  ........|| 
-|  95th ............  |  19771979   100|  61|  38|  1|  ........  |  435|  292|143|  ........|  ........|| +|  95th ............  |  1977-1979   100|  61|  38|  1|  ........  |  435|  292|143|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  96th ............  |  19791981   100|  58|  41|  1|  ........  |  435|  277|158|  ........|  ........|| +|  96th ............  |  1979-1981   100|  58|  41|  1|  ........  |  435|  277|158|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  97th ............  |  19811983   100|  46|  53|  1|  ........  |  435|  242|192|  1|  ........|| +|  97th ............  |  1981-1983   100|  46|  53|  1|  ........  |  435|  242|192|  1|  ........|| 
-|  98th ............  |  19831985   100|  46|  54|  ........|  ........  |  435|  269|166|  ........|  ........|| +|  98th ............  |  1983-1985   100|  46|  54|  ........|  ........  |  435|  269|166|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  99th ............  |  19851987   100|  47|  53|  ........|  ........  |  435|  253|182|  ........|  ........|| +|  99th ............  |  1985-1987   100|  47|  53|  ........|  ........  |  435|  253|182|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  100th ..........  |  19871989   100|  55|  45|  ........|  ........  |  435|  258|177|  ........|  ........|| +|  100th ..........  |  1987-1989   100|  55|  45|  ........|  ........  |  435|  258|177|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  101st ..........  |  19891991   100|  55|  45|  ........|  ........  |  435|  260|175|  ........|  ........|| +|  101st ..........  |  1989-1991   100|  55|  45|  ........|  ........  |  435|  260|175|  ........|  ........|| 
-|  102d ...........  |  19911993   100|  56|  44|  ........|  ........  |  435|  267|167|  1|  ........|| +|  102d ...........  |  1991-1993   100|  56|  44|  ........|  ........  |  435|  267|167|  1|  ........|| 
-|  103d ...........  |  19931995   100|  57|  43|  ........|  ........  |  435|  258|176|  1|  ........|| +|  103d ...........  |  1993-1995   100|  57|  43|  ........|  ........  |  435|  258|176|  1|  ........|| 
-|  104th ..........  |  19951997   100|  48|  52|  ........|  ........  |  435|  204|230|  1|  ........|| +|  104th ..........  |  1995-1997   100|  48|  52|  ........|  ........  |  435|  204|230|  1|  ........|| 
-|  105th ..........  |  19971999   100|  45|  55|  ........|  ........  |  435|  207|226|  2|  ........|| +|  105th ..........  |  1997-1999   100|  45|  55|  ........|  ........  |  435|  207|226|  2|  ........|| 
-|  106th ..........  |  19992001   100|  45|  55|  ........|  ........  |  435|  211|223|  1|  ........|| +|  106th ..........  |  1999-2001   100|  45|  55|  ........|  ........  |  435|  211|223|  1|  ........|| 
-|  107th ..........  |  20012003   100|  50|  50|  ........|  ........  |  435|  212|221|  2|  ........|| +|  107th ..........  |  2001-2003   100|  50|  50|  ........|  ........  |  435|  212|221|  2|  ........|| 
-|  108th ..........  |  20032005   100|  48|  51|  1|  ........  |  435|  204|229|  1|  1||+|  108th ..........  |  2003-2005   100|  48|  51|  1|  ........  |  435|  204|229|  1|  1||
 |||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||
Line 2661: Line 2662:
 Page Page
-Acts of Congress* 4750, 66, 67, 7074, 888999103, 166, 167+Acts of Congress* 47-50, 66, 67, 7074, 88-8999-103, 166, 167
-Adjournment of Congress* 71, 99103+Adjournment of Congress* 71, 99-103
 Amendments to the Constitution* (//See// Constitution. The complete text of Amendments to the Constitution* (//See// Constitution. The complete text of
Line 2675: Line 2676:
 Appendix) 18, 19 Appendix) 18, 19
-Appropriation* 4850, 122+Appropriation* 48-50, 122
-Armed Forces 53, 56, 57, 9698+Armed Forces 53, 56, 57, 96-98
 Architect of the Capitol 42 Architect of the Capitol 42
Line 2687: Line 2688:
 Bill of Rights* (//See also// Constitution. The complete text of the U.S. Constitution, with its amendments, is printed in the Appendix) 5, 7, 8 Bill of Rights* (//See also// Constitution. The complete text of the U.S. Constitution, with its amendments, is printed in the Appendix) 5, 7, 8
-Bills in Congress* 7075, 80, 166, 167+Bills in Congress* 70-75, 80, 166, 167
 Bipartisanship*Budget* 42, 43, 44, 51, 52 Bipartisanship*Budget* 42, 43, 44, 51, 52
Line 2705: Line 2706:
 Checks and Balances 13, 143 Checks and Balances 13, 143
-Civil Service System 124126+Civil Service System 124-126
 Citizenship 3, 151 Citizenship 3, 151
Line 2719: Line 2720:
 Confirmation* 53, 54 Confirmation* 53, 54
-Congress* (//See also// Congressional Committees, Congressional Process, Congressional Rules, House, Senate) 1491+Congress* (//See also// Congressional Committees, Congressional Process, Congressional Rules, House, Senate) 14-91
-Constitutional Powers 5357+Constitutional Powers 53-57
 Joint Sessions* 76 Joint Sessions* 76
Line 2741: Line 2742:
 Other types 37 Other types 37
-Congressional Committees 7991+Congressional Committees 79-91
-Appropriations Committees 4850+Appropriations Committees 48-50
 Budget Committee 43, 51, 52 Budget Committee 43, 51, 52
Line 2751: Line 2752:
 Conference Committee 80 Conference Committee 80
-Hearings 8890+Hearings 88-90
 Joint Committees 87 Joint Committees 87
-Legislation 47537074+Legislation 47-5370-74
 Ranking Minority Member 91 Ranking Minority Member 91
Line 2763: Line 2764:
 Select Committees 79, 86 Select Committees 79, 86
-Seniority Rule 91+Seniority Rule  91
-Standing Committees 79, 8185+Standing Committees 79, 81-85
 Congressional Districts 18, 19 Congressional Districts 18, 19
Line 2775: Line 2776:
 Appendix) Appendix)
-Congressional Documents 75, 158, 160, 166168+Congressional Documents 75, 158, 160, 166-168
 Congressional Globe 75 Congressional Globe 75
Line 2781: Line 2782:
 Congressional Interns and Volunteers 45 Congressional Interns and Volunteers 45
-Congressional Process and Powers 4778 99103106107117118121123,+Congressional Process and Powers 47-78 99-103106-107117-118121-123,
-128, 131, 132, 138141, 143, 144+128, 131, 132, 138-141, 143, 144
-Appropriations* 4850, 122+Appropriations* 48-50, 122
 Authorizations* 49, 122 Authorizations* 49, 122
-Budget 51, 52, 103+Budget  51, 52, 103
 Confirmation 54 Confirmation 54
-Hearings* 8890+Hearings* 88-90
 Oversight 14, 123, 128 Oversight 14, 123, 128
Line 2799: Line 2800:
 Tax Bills 47 Tax Bills 47
-Congressional Record 75, 166, 167+Congressional Record  75, 166, 167
-Congressional Research Service 4244+Congressional Research Service 42-44
-Congressional Rules* 5878+Congressional Rules* 58-78
-Acts of Congress 7075, 80, 166, 167+Acts of Congress 70-75, 80, 166, 167
-Bills and other measures 7075, 80, 166, 167+Bills and other measures 70-75, 80, 166, 167
 Calendars* 166, 167 Calendars* 166, 167
Line 2833: Line 2834:
 Congressional Service Organizations and Caucuses 37 Congressional Service Organizations and Caucuses 37
-Congressional Support Agencies 4244+Congressional Support Agencies 42-44
-Congressional Staff and Services 4246+Congressional Staff and Services 42-46
 Constitution* (//See also// the complete text of the U.S. Constitution, with its Constitution* (//See also// the complete text of the U.S. Constitution, with its
Line 2869: Line 2870:
 Discharge Petition* Discharge Petition*
-Election to Office (//See also// Electoral College) 146153+Election to Office (//See also// Electoral College) 146-153
 Administration of Elections 152 Administration of Elections 152
Line 2875: Line 2876:
 Election Day 153 Election Day 153
-President 106, 107, 114, 146149+President 106, 107, 114, 146-149
 Representatives 15, 18, 19, 23, 150 Representatives 15, 18, 19, 23, 150
Line 2881: Line 2882:
 Senators 15, 23, 150 Senators 15, 23, 150
-Vice President 114, 115, 146148+Vice President 114, 115, 146-148
 Voter Qualifications 151 Voter Qualifications 151
-Electoral College 114115147149+Electoral College 114-115147-149
 %%''%%Equal Justice Under the Law%%''%% 130 %%''%%Equal Justice Under the Law%%''%% 130
-Executive Branch 92126+Executive Branch 92-126
-Executive Departments and Agencies (//See also// Cabinet) 121126+Executive Departments and Agencies (//See also// Cabinet) 121-126
 Executive Journal of House and Senate 75 Executive Journal of House and Senate 75
Line 2907: Line 2908:
 Filibuster (//See// Senate, Debate) Filibuster (//See// Senate, Debate)
-Freedom of Information Act 162165+Freedom of Information Act 162-165
-General Accounting Office 4244+General Accounting Office 42-44
 Gerrymandering* (//See// Congressional Districts) Gerrymandering* (//See// Congressional Districts)
Line 2915: Line 2916:
 Government Printing Office 42, 167 Government Printing Office 42, 167
-House of Representatives 14303338, 41+House of Representatives 14-3033-38, 41
 Legislative Counsel 44 Legislative Counsel 44
-Officers of House 2630+Officers of House 26-30
-Majority Party 3336, 64, 65+Majority Party 33-36, 64, 65
-Minority Party 3336, 64, 65+Minority Party 33-36, 64, 65
 Quorum* 60 Quorum* 60
Line 2931: Line 2932:
 Impeachment and Removal from Office: Impeachment and Removal from Office:
-Justices and Judges 53, 55, 142144+Justices and Judges 53, 55, 142-144
 President, Vice President and other U.S. Officers 53, 55, 109 President, Vice President and other U.S. Officers 53, 55, 109
Line 2937: Line 2938:
 Independent Agencies and Commissions 127, 128 Independent Agencies and Commissions 127, 128
-Information Resources 154169+Information Resources 154-169
-Judicial Branch (//See also// Justices and Judges) 129145+Judicial Branch (//See also// Justices and Judges) 129-145
-Appeals Courts 131139+Appeals Courts 131-139
 District Courts 131, 138 District Courts 131, 138
Line 2947: Line 2948:
 Justice System 129, 130 Justice System 129, 130
-Special Courts 140+Special Courts  140
-Supreme Court 131137+Supreme Court 131-137
-Justices and Judges 141145+Justices and Judges 141-145
-Impeachment and Removal 142144+Impeachment and Removal 142-144
 Oath of Office 145 Oath of Office 145
Line 2965: Line 2966:
 Qualifications 141 Qualifications 141
-Tenure 142144+Tenure 142-144
 %%''%%Lame Duck%%''%% Amendment 11, 104 %%''%%Lame Duck%%''%% Amendment 11, 104
-Legislative Branch (//See also// Congress) 1491+Legislative Branch (//See also// Congress) 14-91
 Legislative Counsel in House and Senate 44 Legislative Counsel in House and Senate 44
Line 2983: Line 2984:
 National Agricultural Library 161 National Agricultural Library 161
-National Library of Medicine 161+National Library of Medicine  161
 Presidential Libraries 157 Presidential Libraries 157
Line 2991: Line 2992:
 Delegates 18, 21 Delegates 18, 21
-Misconduct and Punishments 24, 25+Misconduct and Punishments  24, 25
 Qualifications 15 Qualifications 15
Line 3003: Line 3004:
 Memorials* Memorials*
-Merit Systems 124126+Merit Systems 124-126
-National Archives 74, 75, 154157, 168+National Archives 74, 75, 154-157, 168
 Nomination (//See// Confirmation) Nomination (//See// Confirmation)
Line 3011: Line 3012:
 Oaths of Office: Oaths of Office:
-Members of Congress 24+Members of Congress  24
 Justices and Judges 145 Justices and Judges 145
Line 3039: Line 3040:
 Assassinations of 113 Assassinations of 113
-Constitutional Powers 54, 56, 57, 96103, 117+Constitutional Powers 54, 56, 57, 96-103, 117
-Election 106, 107, 112114146149+Election 106, 107, 112-114146-149
 Executive Office of the President 93 Executive Office of the President 93
Line 3053: Line 3054:
 Oath 108 Oath 108
-Papers 156158+Papers 156-158
 Powers and Roles 94, 96, 97 Powers and Roles 94, 96, 97
Line 3067: Line 3068:
 Term 11, 94, 104 Term 11, 94, 104
-Vacancy, Disability, Succession 109114+Vacancy, Disability, Succession 109-114
 Page Page
Line 3079: Line 3080:
 Qualifications: Qualifications:
-Members of Congress 15+Members of Congress  15
 Justices 141 Justices 141
Line 3085: Line 3086:
 President 105, 116 President 105, 116
-Vice President 116+Vice President  116
 Voters 151 Voters 151
Line 3129: Line 3130:
 Legislative Counsel 44 Legislative Counsel 44
-Majority Party 3136, 65+Majority Party 31-36, 65
-Minority Party 3136, 65+Minority Party 31-36, 65
 Officers 32 Officers 32
Line 3157: Line 3158:
 //Sine Die//* (//See //Adjournment) //Sine Die//* (//See //Adjournment)
-Speaker of the House 26, 2830, 36, 38, 41, 64, 69, 109, 110+Speaker of the House 26, 28-30, 36, 38, 41, 64, 69, 109, 110
 State of the Union Address 118 State of the Union Address 118
-Statutes at Large* (//See also// Acts of Congress) 7274+Statutes at Large* (//See also// Acts of Congress) 72-74
-Supreme Court 130137+Supreme Court 130-137
 Opinions and Decisions 136, 137 Opinions and Decisions 136, 137
Line 3185: Line 3186:
 Senate 23 Senate 23
-President 109113+President 109-113
 President-elect 114 President-elect 114
Line 3193: Line 3194:
 Vice President-elect 114 Vice President-elect 114
-Veto by President* 72, 73, 96, 99103+Veto by President* 72, 73, 96, 99-103
 Vice President: Vice President:
-Election 115, 146148+Election 115, 146-148
 Impeachment 53, 55 Impeachment 53, 55
Line 3207: Line 3208:
 Resignation 111 Resignation 111
-Succession 109116+Succession 109-116
 Term 11, 104 Term 11, 104
Line 3219: Line 3220:
 War Powers* (//See also// Armed Forces; President) 53, 56, 57, 96, 98 War Powers* (//See also// Armed Forces; President) 53, 56, 57, 96, 98
 {{page>:wiki_footer}} {{page>:wiki_footer}}
documents/external/our-american-government-2003.1573864642.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/15 19:37 by Oliver Wolcott