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Responses To Convention Of States Opposition 

Click on the links below to access each document.

Frequently Asked Questions Source

Here you'll find answers to the most common questions about Article V and a Convention of States.
Download a PDF of this document here.

Short Answers to Common Article V Questions Source

Here are more answers to frequently-asked Article V questions.
Download a PDF of this document here.

Answers to Questions Posed by the John Birch Society Source

This article by Michael Farris directly and thoroughly responds to the 16 so-called “unanswerable” questions posed by the John Birch Society.
Download a PDF of this document here.

Real Answers to Article V Questions Source

We've published a list of in-depth answers to common Article V questions.
Download a PDF of this document here.

The States Control an Article V Convention of States Source

It's undeniably clear: the checks and balances on a Convention of States ensure it will not “run away.” This article demonstrates that by responding to “The Article V Convention as Defined by Article V” by Robert Brown.
Download a PDF of this document here.

Can We Trust the Constitution? Answering the "Runaway Convention" Myth Source

This article by Michael Farris explains in detail why the 1787 Constitutional Convention did not “run away.”
Download a PDF of this document here.

Is “Nullification” the Answer? Source

If you've been wondering about state nullification of federal laws, you'll want to read this document.
Download a PDF of this document here.

An Article V Convention Can Be Limited

One of the most popular Article V myths is that the subject matter cannot be limited. This article debunks that myth.
Download a PDF of this document here.

We Know the Rules: Congress Does Not Control a Convention of States Source

Years of historical precedent yield two important conclusions: the rules of a convention are not some unknowable mystery, and Congress does not control the rule making process for a convention. Learn more in this article.
Download a PDF of this document here.

What if Congress Refuses to Call an Article V Convention? Source

The law is clear: if 34 states apply, Congress must call a Convention of States. We explain the details in this document.
Download a PDF of this document here.

Two Reasons Each State Will Get One Vote, Regardless of Population Size Source

In this article, Professor Rob Natelson explains why disregarding the one-state/one-vote rule would be both unconstitutional and not worth trying.
Download a PDF of this document here.

The Liberal Establishment's Disinformation Campaign Against Article V -- and How It Misled Conservatives Source

This article by Professor Rob Natelson explains how the first Article V movement was hindered by an intentional misinformation campaign to promote fear of using the Founders' tool to limit the federal government.
Download a PDF of this document here.

Response to the National Association for Gun Rights

The National Association for Gun Rights has recently undertaken a campaign to smear hundreds of thousands of great patriots around the nation. This article outlines our response.
Download a PDF of this document here.

Response to Article By “Publius Huldah” Source

Michael Farris responds to an article by blogger “Publius Huldah.”
Download a PDF of this document here.

AUDIO: Michael Farris Debates Andy Schlafly in New Jersey

Click the link above to download the audio of the debate between Michael Farris and Andy Schlafly. If you've been wanting to hear both sides of the Convention of States debate, this is a great place to start.

The Congressional Research Service Report on Article V Source

This document explains what the Congressional Research Service report says about Article V and the actual significance it plays in the Article V process.
Download a PDF of this document here.

Article V Legislative Compendium

The Article V Compendium for Lawyers and Legislative Drafters was written by premier Article V scholar Professor Rob Natelson. It includes over 80 pages of original material as well as important and reliable scholarly articles on the laws governing amendment conventions.

documents/answers/index.1446344587.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/31 22:23 by Oliver Wolcott