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Convention of States Project Wiki
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State specific information Constitution, State House Legislative map, etc.
eBook Collection!!! Some longer documents are being converted to eBooks.
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- Interposition, Robert Natelson, The States’ Duty to Defend Against Federal Excess: James Madison and the Methods of “Interposition”
Post-Revolutionary Era
- Letters of the Founders These letters mostly cover James Madison's thoughts on nullification
- 1786 Annapolis Convention Proceedings and Delegate Credentials for Philadelphia The call for the Philadelphia Convention and Credentials, Commissions for the Delegates.
- Notes on Nullification - James Madison
- Our American Government - 2003 edition
This 132 page publication from the U.S. House continues to be a popular introductory guide for American citizens and those of other countries who seek a greater understanding of our heritage of democracy. The question-and-answer-format covers a broad range of topics dealing with the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of our Government as well as the electoral process and the role of political parties.
Pre-Revolutionary Era
- The Charter of Liberties of Henry I of England - 1100 AD
Popular on the Wiki
- Convenient Clips of Wiki Documents Also located on the Main menu under Documents.
- Restoring the Rule of Law - With States Leading the Way - by Governor Greg Abbott
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Take your time to browse around the Convention of States Wiki. We hope to answer all your questions about Article V and assist the State Legislatures in their goal of reining in an out of control Federal government.
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Documents Library
Convention of States
The following pages hold documents supporting the Convention of States Project.
Responses To Opposition
Convention of States Project documents
Print Material
External Documents
Quotations Page
Various Historical Documents
Legislators Corner
Social Media Links and Info
Selected Videos related to the Convention of States Project and Article V
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